No foolin’: Anything can be a planter!

An herb garden that can be easily moved around the yard or garden!
Clever, not to mention cute: An herb garden that can be easily moved around the yard or garden!

Celesta from our Customer Service Group shared an adorable idea from her mother-in-law: toy wagons that she converted to a garden planter!

It’s cute, it’s creative, and it keeps the no-longer used wagons out of the landfill.

We love the idea of using good old-fashioned burlap bags as planters, too:

How to Make a Burlap Garden:
Our burlap bags are great for growing herbs, flowers and vegetables. They require less weeding than a traditional garden. Plus, excess water easily drains from the fabric.

burlap gardens


  1. Fill a burlap bag with planting soil.
  2. Roll down the edges.
  3. Add plants.
  4. Water regularly (depending on your climate).

Garden Bed:

  1. Fill a burlap bag with planting soil.
  2. Close the top by tying with twine or a thin rope.
  3. Lay flat.
  4. Poke holes through the top of the bag. (Our dibble works best.)
  5. Place plants or seeds into the holes.
  6. Water regularly (depending on your climate).

 Perfect for city folks,this self-contained gardening kit gives you a delicious garden without taking up much space. With a sub-irrigation raised bed, your garden is watered from the bottom to help prevent overwatering. You get everything you need in one kit!

What innovative garden containers do you have around your home?



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