Joel Salatin of Polyface Farm
Short Bio
My non-stereotypical monicker is Christian libertarian environmentalist capitalist lunatic farmer. Our family owns and operates Polyface Farm in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley.
One fun fact
Throughout school I competed in every facet of forensics: extemporaneous speaking, oratory, drama, debate.
What Movie, Book or Song describes your life?
The old Civil War movie "Shenandoah," starring Jimmy Stewart. He just wanted to be left alone by the government, but when the government invaded his life, he exemplified tremendous courage and creativity to foil the powers that be.
My Favorite Lehman's Products are
Great lamp! It provides a great deal more light than I anticipated, certainly more than any single-wick lamp I have, even the round wick lamps. The little lever on the side that extinguishes the wick is especially handy. It also produces heat, which is delightful on a cold, winter's night.
What is your favorite animal?
The cow because she's the foundation for soil development through biomass stewardship.
What is your connection to Lehmans
I have been shopping on line for years, and finally got a chance to visit the store last summer. I love that they stand for a simpler life, our family owned and operated, and are the one stop shop for homesteaders.