Lisa Steele
Short Bio
After a short stint on Wall Street, I returned to my roots and now live in a small farm in Maine and raise chickens and ducks.
One fun fact
I played flute in marching band in High School.
What Movie, Book or Song describes your life?
I would say a mash-up of You've Got Mail and An Officer and a Gentleman. I used to own a bookstore and my husband was in the Navy when we met online.
My Favorite Lehman's Products are
Anything from their chicken keeping lineup. I love good-quality, well-made functional products that will last a generation or more. If I had to pick just one product, I would pick the 2 gallon galvanized waterer. It reminds me of my grandmother (who also kept chickens).
What is your favorite animal?
I am obsessed with miniature donkeys at the moment. (Editor's note: we thought for sure she would say chickens -- always full of surprises.)
What is your connection to Lehmans
Lehmans carries so many products that I use - whether it be in the kitchen, garden or chicken coop.